Tuesday, June 1, 2010

here's another word for who I am.....

...there are two distinctively different types of religion: one type has an instinctively negative view of the material world and sees salvation in terms of flight from the material into the realm of the spiritual. The other type affirms the material world and sees the spiritual as deeply embedded within the material.
The New Spirituality by Gordon Lynch

Monday, May 31, 2010

there's a word for who I am.....

I define progressive spirituality as a particular form of religious ideology that has been refined over the past thirty or so years by a range of 'organic intellectuals' within the progressive milieu of western religion. It has emerged out of four key concerns:
  • a desire for a spirituality that is appropriate for modern, liberal societies,
  • the rejection of patriarchal forms of religion and the search for religious forms that are authentic and liberating for women
  • the move to re-sacralize science - particularly quantum physics and cosmology
  • the search for a nature-based spirituality to address the ecological catastrophe.
The New Spirituality by Gordon Lynch

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Something is taking it's course.
Clov - Endgame